L'Icam Formations Vie à l'Icam International Entreprise Recherche


Innovative structures and materials
On the applicability of Taylor’s theory to the underwater blast response of composite plates
Sone Oo Y.P., Le Sourne H., Dorival O.
Innovative structures and materials
Modeling of EM Wave Coherent Scattering from a Rough Multilayered Medium with the Scalar Kirchhoff Approximation for GPR Applications
Pinel N., Le Bastard C. , Bourlier C.
Innovative structures and materials
Plant Extraction and Physicochemical Characterizations of Untreated and Pretreated Diss Fiber
Innovative structures and materials
Thermo-mechanical characterization of unsaturated polyester/glass fiber composites for recycling
Nouigues, A., Le Gal La Salle E.,  Bailleul J.L.
Innovative structures and materials
Photocatalyzed Amidoarylation of 1,3-Butadiene
Gosset C., Moncomble A., Dumont C., Pellegrini S., Bousquet T., Sauthier M.,Pélinski L.
Energy production, storage and management
Electrothermal Characterization of Double-Sided Cooling Si Power Module
Sanchez, S., Nguyen, C., Cadile, C., Fradin, J. P., Tounsi, P., & Reynes, J. M.
Energy production, storage and management
Analysis of the Influence of the Conduction Sub-Model Formulation on the Modeling of Laser-Induced Incandescence of Diesel Soot Aggregates
Menanteau, S.; Lemaire, R.
Energy production, storage and management
Electrothermal Characterization of Double-Sided Cooling Si Power Module.
Sanchez S., Nguyen C., Cadile Fradin JP., Tounsi P., Reynes JM.
Energy production, storage and management
Experimental investigation of the air side fouling of finned tube heat exchangers.
Edelin, D., Bariteau, N., Etourneau, Y.
Energy production, storage and management
Industrial cloud automation for interconnected factories
Chalal, L., Saadane, A., Rhiat, A.
Societal and technological transition of companies
Dynamic modeling and controller design of a novel aerial grasping robot
Li, Z., Song, X., Bégoc, V., Chriette, A., Fantoni, I.
Societal and technological transition of companies
The crisis of a paradigm. A methodological interpretation of the Tohuku-Fukushima catastrophe
Lacassin, R., Lavelle, S.
Societal and technological transition of companies
Puissance de calcul, Force de l’emprise, Critiques de l’organisation augmentée
Yann Ferguson
Societal and technological transition of companies
Development of a new framework for implementing industry 4.0 in companies
Paul -Eric Dossou
Societal and technological transition of companies
Kinetic Study of Lignocellulosic Biomasses Pyrolysis Using Thermogravimetric Analysis.
Aouled Mhemed H., Largeau J.F., Kordoghli S., Marin Gallego M., Zagrouba F.